With your support we can provide equal access opportunities to the sport of volleyball to those often overlooked, raising the human consciousness of sports. Volleyball is the vehicle by which we facilitate change in individuals and the world at large.


LOV is here to give opportunities to those often overlooked.

In our world, every day is a good day to GIVE, freely, authentically, and rooted in LOV.

Your contribution will help us provide high-level coaching and leadership development to athletes often overlooked via clinics, camps and lessons throughout our 8 Impact Zones and Extensions.


The Extra One Dollar’s Significance

Giving an extra $1 is seen as a blessing in the Indian culture, the money gifted does not stop with what the person donates but increases in multitude through positive and LOVing energy.

While the number “0” signifies the end, “1” signifies the beginning. This is the reason that we encourage donations to be gifted in numbers ending with “1.”

Giving an extra $1 is seen as an inaudible wish of positivity from the giver to the receiver and onward.

LOV Thanks YOU!

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“Any time you have an opportunity to make a difference in this world and you don’t, then you are wasting your time on Earth.”

-Roberto Clemente