LOV trips

The concept of the Mission is to do good in the world. We use the word Mission to refer to a strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling to do service throughout the world and help those in need. Sometimes this can be in our own backyards.

The city of Chicago is where Lights Out Volleyball calls home. All Lights Out Volleyball participants will be involved in at least one Chicago Mission annually with one of our Allies. Qualifying high-school level athletes will also go on a travel mission once annually.

Upcoming Service Trips:

  • Chicago 24/7

  • Puerto Rico December 20-22, 2021

  • Navajo Nation November 22-24, 2021

  • New York City July 23-28, 2021


“I had the opportunity to go on two Mission Trips: Dominican Republic when I was 18 years old and Nicaragua when I was 20. Both times I went with people of different race, age, sexual orientation, and gender, which made my experience way more fruitful. After every day of service, we ate dinner together and shared our experiences, thoughts, emotions, sentiments, and Highs/Lows of the day. Having different cultures and mindsets in the group gave us different perspectives about life and society. I always tell people that going on a mission or service trip is a two-way service; we help each other. Both trips were life changing. I learned that we don’t enrich our hearts and souls with money and material possession, but with love, compassion, and service. My commitment with Lights Out is to provide and live similar opportunities and experiences with other kids and adults by going on mission and service trips around the world, starting locally in Chicago.”

- Dani Rivera