A word from our founder:
Nishant, Vishal, Amit, and the Shah family- thank you all for welcoming me with open arms during my time in New York. New York and your families hold a very special place in my heart. When I think of you, I think of the words “family, friends, and brothers.” I’m grateful for all your support through the years.
I also want to tip my hat to all the Creole guys and the incredible years we’ve had battling together. Appreciate the opportunity to win a National Championship with you boys!
Additionally, I want to recognize the kids at Trinity School and Brearley- two amazing schools located in NYC that I had the pleasure to coach at, as well as the other athletes in NYC I was able to share my time with.
Recognizing Karl France is also very important to me. Karl has always been one of the realest people who’s amazingly humble and a pleasure to be around. Thank you for always seeing me for me and supporting LOV for who we are and what we will become. Appreciated!
Lastly, I want to recognize Kyle Ullsperger- reconnecting with you has been calibrating. Reflecting back to 2015 when I heard you wanted to move to NYC, to now- your 6 years in NYC skyrocketed your growth as a person and I’m happy we’re able to connect in the way we can. Thank you for helping me get my vision and my words out, onto paper, into the ether, and to start materializing my dreams and visions. Your energy and your desire to help others aligns directly with mine- something you cannot teach. LOV you brother!
- Harshil Thaker -
Founder, LOV